Sticker - Stop Arming Saudi
10 Nov / 2020

The obligations of companies to implement human rights due diligence (HRdd) has reached the political agenda with the announcement of EU Commissioner Reynders to propose a binding EU framework, a range of national initiatives and the negotiation of a UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights. However, such human rights obligations by private actors are a horizontal application of obligations held by states. How are states performing their human rights due diligence and how accountable are they?

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Who we are

Vredesactie (Peace Action) is a Belgian pluralistic movement that makes a radical plea for a society in which conflicts are settled without violence or the threat to use violence. We support the development of grassroots non-violent action and formulate proposals for a pacifist policy.

Vredesactie is a member of the worldwide movement War Resisters International. We are a global network of grassroots antimilitarist and pacifist organisations, groups and persons committed to our founding declaration: War is a crime against humanity. I am therefore determined not to support any kind of war, and to strive for the removal of all causes of war'.

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Peace activists protest at arms factory Sabca: “Time to stop arms export to war zones”

Today, twenty activists took action at the Brussels arms factory Sabca to protest the export of weapons to Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The activists demand that the government stops the export of weapons to conflict zones. “War starts at Sabca, let’s stop it here.”

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protest bij Sabca - die-in met bordje Stop Arming Turkey
10 Nov / 2020
A higher standard for human rights due diligence in arms exports?

The obligations of companies to implement human rights due diligence (HRdd) has reached the political agenda with the announcement of EU Commissioner Reynders to propose a binding EU framework, a range of national initiatives and the negotiation of a UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights. However, such human rights obligations by private actors are a horizontal application of obligations held by states. How are states performing their human rights due diligence and how accountable are they? Arms export licensing was originally driven by strategic concerns, but it is an important area where states have obliged themselves explicitly to conduct human rights due diligence. Common Position 2008/944/CFSP provides the framework in the EU.

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Sticker - Stop Arming Saudi
War in Yemen, Made in Europe: an infographic

On march 25th, the war in Yemen will be raging for five years. Today, we're launching an infographic showing the impact of the European arms trade on that war, and how we can strike back.

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the first panel of our infographic